NIOS D. El. Ed Assignment Submission Guideline(Updated) Before Last Date | Online & Offline

NIOS D El Ed Assignment :

You have to prepare your solved assignments with perfection and bring the copies with you to the study center within last date of submission.
NIOS D El Ed Assignment Guideline (Updated)

NIOS D El Ed Assignment Guideline (Updated)

How to Submit Home Assignment Before the Last date:

Before submitting them please note the below points carefully-

  • You should write your enrollment no, name and full address and date at the top right hand corner of the first page of your assignment.
  • Also, write the course title code and assignment code in capital letters in the centre at the top of the first page of your response(s).
  • Incomplete responses will bring you poor grades.
  • Use only foolscap size paper for your assignment.Use ordinary writing paper, not the very thin variety.
  • Leave a 3/2” margin on the left and at least 4 lines in between each answer in an assignment response. This will enable the resource person evaluating the response to write useful comments at appropriate places.
  • Make sure you answer the questions on the basis of the books and study materials provided to you by NIOS.

You should not send printed articles as your answer to assignments.

(Leave the top left-hand corner blank for office use). The top of the first page of your Cover Page  should look something like this:

NIOS Assignment Cover Page Format for submission:

NIOS Assignment Cover Page Format for submission

NIOS Assignment Cover Page Format for submission

After verifying your assignments according to the above format submit to the study centersbefore the last date.
NIOS D. El. Ed Assignment Submission Guideline(Updated) Before Last Date | Online & Offline NIOS D. El. Ed Assignment Submission Guideline(Updated) Before Last Date | Online & Offline Reviewed by Aris on January 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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